dilluns, 20 de març del 2017

What does Usage mean?

What does Usage mean?

My objective today is to clarify the meaning of one of the most used metric in sizing and in performance analysis: the usage.

First things first

The Usage exposes the state of the service center. It is a binary quantity:
  • usage=0 when idle (not working)
  • usage=1 when busy (working)
Any service center at any point in time is idle (usage=0) or busy (usage=1).

Usage Percentage (Usage%)

This is the "usage" metric we are familiarized with. It is the average of the usage over a certain time interval, called the averaging time. Typically is expressed as percentage.

In example usage%=20% (for a certain time interval) means that for that time interval the service center has been:
  • 20% of the time busy
  • 80% of the time idle

Averaging Time

The averaging time for calculating the usage% is of capital importance. Saying 20% is not enough, saying 20% over an hour is right.

Theory is very simple, but in practice the averaging time is frequently dropped. Always ask for it (but don't expect to have a crystal clear response).

To stress its importance look at these graphs representing the time evolution of the usage% metric for the same workload and different averaging time.

Averaging Time = 10 s

Averaging Time = 10 min

Averaging Time = 500 min

I insist: in the three graphs the workload is the same (and the total amount of work done -the area under the usage% curve- remains the same). The short averaging time is best suited for performance analysis, the medium is for sizing, and the long is for trend analysis.

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