What does Usage mean?
My objective today is to clarify the meaning of one of the most used metric in sizing and in performance analysis: the usage.
First things first
The Usage exposes the state of the service center. It is a binary quantity:
- usage=0 when idle (not working)
- usage=1 when busy (working)
Any service center at any point in time is idle (usage=0) or busy (usage=1).
Usage Percentage (Usage%)
This is the "usage" metric we are familiarized with. It is the average of the usage over a certain time interval, called the averaging time. Typically is expressed as percentage.
In example usage%=20% (for a certain time interval) means that for that time interval the service center has been:
- 20% of the time busy
- 80% of the time idle
Averaging Time
The averaging time for calculating the usage% is of capital importance. Saying 20% is not enough, saying 20% over an hour is right.
Theory is very simple, but in practice the averaging time is frequently dropped. Always ask for it (but don't expect to have a crystal clear response).
To stress its importance look at these graphs representing the time evolution of the usage% metric for the same workload and different averaging time.
Averaging Time = 10 s
Averaging Time = 10 min
Averaging Time = 500 min
I insist: in the three graphs the workload is the same (and the total amount of work done -the area under the usage% curve- remains the same). The short averaging time is best suited for performance analysis, the medium is for sizing, and the long is for trend analysis.
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