Ten haircuts per hour is a measure of...
- Response Time
- Velocity
- Throughput
- Utilization / usage.
The throughput of a service center measures...
- Units of work processed per unit of time
- The elapsed time to process one unit of work
- The elapsed time to process many units of work
The bandwidth is...
- The average response time of many requests
- The maximum achievable throughput
The response time can grow to infinity (I’ve seen graphs in which response time goes to infinity!)...
- In practical cases
- In theoretical models
- Never
- Always
Is possible to be at 100% cpu usage and, at the same time, to have an acceptable response time?
- Yes
- No
If we move a certain workload to a new server with half performance capacity of the original one, what will happen to the response time?
- Increase slightly
- Increase heavily
- Simply increase (but cannot predict how much)
- Remain stable
- Decrease
To get serviced a customer has to visit two desks, A and B in strict sequence, The customer spends 5 min in A, and 10 min in B. Which is the total residence time?
- 5 min
- 10 min
- 15 min
- 7.5 min (the average of 5 and 10 min)
Which is the bandwidth of the previous service center?
- 9 customers per hour
- 4 customers per hour
- 12 customers per hour
- 6 customers per hour
You, as a great performance analyst, has been asked to place an additional clerk (to work in parallel) in one of the desks, A or B. Where would you place him/her?
- At the entrance (for marketing purposes)
- Desk A
- Desk B
- At the exit (for customer satisfaction feedback)
What of the above sentences truly quantify the improvement of your previous recommendation, if any.
- There is hardly a performance gain
- The new residence time is 10 min
- The new bandwidth is 12 customers per hour
- The new throughput is 12 customers per hour
- The new bandwidth is 6 customers per hour
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